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paul2A few years ago I lived through two of the most difficult months of my life; being at the bedside of a loved one in ICU. During this time,  Karen spent many days with me showing how to use knitting in a “therapeutic” way. While I was knitting, I could feel it soothing my turmoil. Not only did knitting distract me from all the worrying, I actually enjoyed it. Knitting saved me hours of stress, eased the anxiety of that difficult period, balanced my blood pressure and restored my rest. I’m a huge proponent of Karen’s technique. 
~Paul P., Toronto,ON~


barbKaren Zila Hayes is an outstanding teacher.  She is the epitome of patience, and always makes her pupils feel good about themselves and what they have produced.  I was especially impressed with her ability to match each and every student with the knitting technique best suited to his or her particular needs. I myself find knitting very calming, a great stress reducer, and a wonderful creative outlet.
~Barbara W., Montreal, PQ~


flowerI am addicted to knitting and I have Karen to thank for this. My physical and emotional wellness have improved since taking Karen’s amazing class. She is not only an incredible knitter/artist, she is also patient and fun. I had unsuccessful knee surgery two years ago and required daily pain management and medication. Now, since taking Karen’s class, I knit instead.
~Gordene, Toronto,ON~


Betsan Corkhill, of the U.K., is a true trailblaiser in the field of knitting therapy and has been an amazing inspiration and mentor to us at Knitamorphosis. Her site, Stitchlinks has some amazing inforamtion and testimonials on the power of knitting. CLICK HERE to visit her site.